
This is our last public statement about the attacks on the U.S.

It is now time for all of us to rush to be normal.

We cried and we were angry in public over the attacks together.

No other company would risk feeling like you, and we are very proud.

1 million dollars of our software was given away to promote our charity banner placement on Web Sites. We apologize to those who could not get their free software due to heavy traffic and e-mail problems. Our servers were not as large as our hearts.

The banner has now raised over $1 million dollars for various charities and counting.You are all true heroes !

We now have Free Metal Remembrance Pins for everyone also.

Our CEO paid for these himself to show Unity & Loyalty among those who will Remember & also for those who put Banners on their pages.

Keep putting those banners up, help will be needed for years to come.

Get Your Free Pin Here:


Please Add our Charity Banner to your Pages:

(we changed the banner to help all charities)


You are the historians of our time. The keepers of the words.

It is our responsibilty for our children and generations
to come to write this down, to remember, and to share
what we
have seen and what we will learn. When we are all gone this must be recalled as if it happened yesterday.

You own today. It is yours to share.

Our CEO's Diary Comments are here:


Hello everyone,

This is Nicholas Longo, the CEO of CoffeeCup Software.

As you may have heard the World Trade Center and Pentagon were attacked about 45 minutes ago.

The Team at CoffeeCup would like to send our heart felt sorrow to those that perished in these attacks. We would like to also say on record that if any country is found responsible for these attacks, we call for that country's complete destruction and annihilation.

Do not let terrorism which is designed to create fear and stop production, halt your life or work.

Stay focused and do not stop what you are doing.

May God bless us all and the decisions we must make.


In tribute to the victims of the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks we are giving everyone that receives this letter one software program of their choice at no cost.

We would like you to put this banner code on your Web Site to support the Red Cross as the ONLY payment:


The code for the banner will appear on the download page also.

(in case you received this as HTML mail and can not see the code)

*After the banner is on your site please send your Web Site address where you placed it to: info@coffeecup.com

We would like to link to you in solidarity.

Download your free software here:


This link will only be available for one day.

We can not accept requests for software after this link has expired. This page is set to automatically expire.

Commments from our CEO:

In my last e-mail I was angry. Now I am angry and saddened.

My thoughts were emotional, not political or commercial.

I will stand by my conviction that those responsible should not walk with us on this planet. I will though take back the word 'annihilate', this was anger speaking from someone that has now cried for the victims of this attack.

This may surprise some people...... I am only human.

Just as President Bush almost cried on CNN today, that does not make him less of a President. I as a CEO have the right to be angry, and to vent my emotion. This does not make me any less of a CEO or human. It makes me more of one.


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